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Quilt Club
Shappley Quilt ClubSeptember Quilt ClubSeptember 14, 20249-11Hello Quilt Club!Sorry I am late sending, but have not been home.Quilt as you go - QAYGWe will be using strips to make a table pad. You will need a backing and batting ( thermal if you want) any size you prefer in 10-18 inch range. In October we will do table runner QAYG and you will need backing and batting in range of 10-18 inches by 24-36 inches. I have lots of strips, but if you want specific color/ seasonal fabrics, bring it, please.If you are interested in Barn Star Sampler for next year and have not ordered the book, please do. The blocks are beautiful and we will make all 20 next year to have a beautiful quilt. I have not decided but am contemplating a dark blue background fabric. In November we will decide January block so I can have it made for December to show you.I am in out of Facebook jail but the hackers are still on Anne J Creekmore and my new account is Anne Creekmore with a 1973 wedding pic of us.Any questions, please call, text, or email.Looking forward to class.Anne Creekmoreajcreekmore@comcast.net870-733-4710
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